Hey! So Glad You're Here.
My name is Leslie Early and I'm the host of That's Awesome ID!, a weekly podcast in which I chat with guests about one thing they think is awesome in the field of instructional design right now. It could be a tool, an app, a learning platform, a book, a blog/vlog, a learning theory, a person they admire, or anything really!
As a self-proclaimed philomath, the podcast has been an excellent opportunity for me to learn about all things instructional design, as well as place to connect with others in the learning and development community. I hope it can be just that for you as well!
In a past life, I taught ESL and elementary education for 10+ years. Lessons I learned there include the value of project-based learning, and how to make lessons rewarding, self-directed, and fun. Currently I work as an instructional designer and elearning developer. You can view my portfolio at leslieearlydesign.com.